Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Adam Minich

Review Editor

Adam Minich is a lifelong trouble-shooter, tinkerer, and wanderer. As a kid, Adam enjoyed pondering life's great questions, building with legos, and creating art and music. Anything that involved thinking outside of the box was alluring to him. He believes that learning is a continuous process that involves a mix of awareness, openness to change, and a fair amount of humility.

Adam currently resides in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. He landed there after graduating from Ball State University in 2010 with a B.S. in Sociology. Initially, helping to study visitor-use issues as a social science intern for Yosemite National Park, he went on to become a park ranger for eight years. Recently, Adam changed career-paths. Now working for an SaaS startup, he helps to solve database design issues for a range of people and industries. No matter what he is doing professionally, Adam values genuine interaction and the understanding of customer needs. In his spare time, he enjoys writing and producing music as well as long hikes and alpine jaunts in the wilderness.

Adam brings a balance of technical prowess and human empathy to the TechGearLab team. The process of understanding how humans research and choose the products they buy is something he will continue to refine.

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