Adam is an amateur travel adventurer and professional writer with over 15 years of experience supporting non-profits, high-growth startups, and programs spanning the environmental research, higher education, and IT sectors. He grew up in the southern United States and graduated from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Arts in English Rhetoric and Writing. Since then, he's always kept a foot in the tech world, where he's written extensively on instructional technology and serves as a defacto tech guy to many a friend and colleague. When he's not pounding on keycaps, you'll find him out on the trail with his dog, Pal, or tinkering on custom contraptions, such as his mechanical keyboard or the self-converted, smart-home-infused campervan he calls home on the road. His passion for immersive gaming and well-designed gear traces back to his childhood Nintendo and is strong as ever here at the dawn of mainstream virtual reality and smart tech.
Showing 1-15 of 54 by Adam Stout