Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Ben Applebaum-Bauch
Ben Applebaum-Bauch

Ben Applebaum-Bauch

Review Editor

Always in the market for a good deal himself, Ben takes a critical eye to the consumer electronics and home products that he tests. Though he has long since left one of his first jobs maintaining and purchasing equipment for wilderness trips, over the past several years, he has reviewed dozens of products for GearLab across a wide array of categories. Graduating from Boston University in 2011, his background in social science informs his practical, user-focused approach to testing. He has also developed a curiosity for understanding systems and identifying elegant design, both of which serve him well when it comes to product research.

Ben spent over eight years in the rugged, worn mountains of northern New England before moving to the great state of Michigan. Having spent much of his professional career in the field of education, he loves being able to learn about gear and share his knowledge with others. When he is not testing for GearLab, his passion for the outdoors and long-distance backpacking take him coast-to-coast in search of new trails and big adventures.