Jon Oleson was born and raised in the great state of Utah. He earned a BA in Middle East Studies and Arabic from the University of Utah, and has lived, worked, and traveled throughout the Middle East. His travels have taken him to nearly every continent (Antarctica is still waiting). Never one for idleness, Jon has worked as an Arabic interpreter, a convenience store clerk, an English teacher (in S Korea), a dive master (in the Red Sea), in addition to a handyman of all sorts. Later in life, Jon attended school for certification in Clinical Herbalism. He learned, among many other things, medicine making and herbal extraction here. Nowadays, Jon is mostly in the forest or garden, doing saw work to beautify and clean up landscapes and planting, tending, and harvesting veggies and medicinal herbs. His passions include herbalism, baking, cooking, forestry, gardening, a myriad of outdoor activities, and, more recently, helping to raise his two beautiful children.
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