Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Kolby Anderson

Review Editor

Kolby grew up in the Southwest, living in Phoenix, AZ and a small town in Southwestern Utah. He has spent most of his life involved in the construction industry in various aspects, ranging from heavy equipment repairs as a diesel mechanic to building houses and developing land. Kolby has always been interested in details, specifications, and technology, propelling his development of the skills necessary to build high-end custom homes and implementing technology in the pursuit of efficiency and accuracy in everything that he does. He enjoys continuing education and often attends conferences and classes to extend his understanding and capabilities, always in the pursuit of growing his knowledge and understanding of the world around him and how it works. Kolby enjoys architecture and using CAD/CAM software for drawing houses and for designing models to print with a 3D printer for his kids, and has recently created his own workflow for creating and designing construction documents for custom residential housing. He holds a Part 107 Pilot License for flying drones commercially, which he uses for aerial surveying of property and projects and for recreation in his spare time. Kolby's interest in technologies and understanding how things work has helped him become a detail-oriented individual who has a vast knowledge of in-depth information on a wide range of topics. He is invested in becoming well-versed in each project that he is involved in and is committed to putting in the time necessary to get tasks done right.

Kolby enjoys being a husband and father living in Southwestern Utah and when he's not working you can find him out in the desert on his dirtbike or on his mountain bike on a local trail trying to beat his fastest lap time. He loves the outdoors and also enjoys all types of off-roading, family rides in a UTV, hiking, fitness, working on projects in the garage, long-range target shooting, and emergency preparedness.