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Author Profile

Genaveve Bradshaw
Genaveve Bradshaw
Credit: Gena

Genaveve Bradshaw

Senior Research Analyst

Genaveve is a Senior Research Analyst at GearLab where she tests and rates gear ranging from headphones to coolers. Gena graduated with honors from the University of New Mexico with a major in Music. Her time as a classical musician taught her the importance of dedicated practice, thorough research, and always having a meticulous eye for detail, skills she brings to bear every day as a GearLab Analyst. Genaveve has an impressive range in her analytical work; one day she might be discerning subtle differences in Treble performance between competing high-end headphones, and the next day, she is rigging up an array of data-logging Thermochrons for a controlled multi-day cooler insulation test. Whether it is the measurement of sound quality by ear, or sampling airborne particulates with a calibrated instrument, Gena is a master at applying the right approach to rate product performance in the most scientific way possible. Outside of the GearLab, Gena is an avid outdoor adventure seeker and skilled rock climber who climbs 5.12 and boulders v7. In addition, she is a highly-regarded climbing routesetter — a unique technical and creative challenge she finds fun and rewarding. Gena can be found frolicking with her dog Roomba, stuffing her nose in a book, marveling at large bodies of water, serenading the night sky with her guitar, and planning the next time she'll take off on a climbing adventure.