Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: Alex

Alex Hocevar-Smith

Review Editor

Alex has always demonstrated an interest in technology. From building computers as a young kid to managing high-end audio equipment warehouses and auto repair shops, tech, and gadgets have been a staple interest and passion. When not working with tech, Alex prides himself on researching and purchasing the perfect gadget or tool for his home and hobby needs, with a particular interest in audiophilia. Through obsessive testing and analysis at home, he avoids the dreaded feeling of ever wasting hard-earned dollars. Outside of tech, Alex loves rock climbing and has spent a decade exploring the country's offerings, moonlighting as a route setter at several commercial climbing gyms across the US.

Alex has worked in the audio/video world since 2007, managing the live sound department for a large rental warehouse in the Bay Area until 2013. That company provided gear to many clients, from music festivals like Outside Lands to Apple's WWDC and everything in between. In recent years, as a member of IATSE ("The Union Behind Entertainment"), Alex has done A/V work for Apple, Meta, Google, Salesforce, Roblox, Figma, and many more large tech corporations. In 2024, he was an assistant audio engineer for the Foo Fighters, Paramore, and Brian Adams. When not at work, Alex writes and records music and has a penchant for audiophilia, having tested and collected countless headphones, earbuds, speakers, amplifiers, and DACs for the joy of hearing music ever more deeply.