Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Steven Tata
Steven Tata
Credit: Jenna Ammerman

Steven Tata

Senior Review Analyst

Hailing from central Massachusetts, Steven completed his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at UMass Amherst. While at UMass he focused on learning mechanical design and was very involved with the UMass Outing Club. He was drawn to engineering by his passion for problem solving and an interest in the technical applications of math and science. After graduating in 2014 he moved to Schenectady, NY to work for the Bechtel Marine Propulsion Company as a design engineer.

When the opportunity to work as a Review Analyst at TechGearLab appeared he knew it would be a great fit. Being engaged with the fast-paced, ambiguous, and technical problem solving that comes with testing a wide variety of products makes him a very happy person. In his free time he enjoys rock climbing, trail running, and long walks on the beaches of Lake Tahoe. Over the past few years he's driven across the country ten times to climb in as many places as possible, with the longest trip stretching from Massachusetts to Alaska.